

Contemporary Art Exhibition in Santa Rosa de Cuevo

The exhibition that I am going to curate in Santa Rosa de Cuevo give me an answer to one of the most important characteristics of my project for an Art and Music High School, that I am planning from several years.

The philosophy of this school is to have national and international artist and musicians for 1/3 months, working with the school pupils. So were born the idea to prepare this exhibition, inviting artist to be in residency for 3 weeks: each artist will have two assistants, working with them and preparing art works for the exhibition, involving as possible the community. Till now the Art School worked as artisanal school (look at the folder)

All the artists invited have experience working with the people. The topic, the philosophy of the exhibition is that the artists will work with materials that they will find around.

The news in this edition are that the exhibition will out from the common work between the visual artists and the musicians: we will combine sculpture and music composition, painting and violin, sculpture-installation and chello, sound sculpture and more.

Details about invited artists you will find in the artist folder.


Music school

Music in Santa Rosa de Cuevo

In 2007 P. Tarcisio, Franciscan monk, Italian, and the artist Mimmo Roselli fund an Art and Music basic school in three Guaranies communities (Ipitacito del Monte, Palmarito y S. Rosa). All these passed years were successful to end into the concert in 2014 that, first in the world, we could hear classical Guaranì music, wrote in Guaranì language (http://www.amicidelpopologuarani.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=147&Itemid=1), fruit of the great provision by Domenico Zipoli, excellent musician in Italy and maestro in all Latin-America, especially for Guaranì people (look at the documentary on Domenico Zipoli , directed by Massimo Luconi) http://www.amicidelpopologuarani.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemid=36.

Santa Rosa 2018 will be the follow up of the Festival on 2016, an experience to produce works by working together musicians and visual artists, an injection of contemporary music

LINK APAC: www.festivalesapac.com

OTHERS: http://www.amicidelpopologuarani.org/index.php



Santa Rosa 2016

Teko-Guaranì, Camiri and the Art and Music School of Bolivian Chaco proclaim the Santa Rosa 2016 Event in the old Franciscan Mission in S. Rosa de Cuevo. The S. Rosa 2016 Event will be the official beginning of the Art and Music High School, located in the old Mission.

During the April 2016 month, coordinated by the international artist Mimmo Roselli, will be: international artists residency, working with pupils of the basic art school, rehearsals of Estado de Coma, drama by Verónica Armaza, with professional actors and no professional by S. Rosa Community, the orchestra rehearsals by our Coro and Orchestra of the Art and Music School of Bolivian Chaco. .All the activity during the month of April and during the event will be documented by nacional and international filmaker. Fernando Maraghini, actor and movies director, will be with us.


Local and National Authorities, secular and religious, will participate to the event, National TV, the journalist of the best national and international media.

The Minister of Education and the Minister of the Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia will give us his sponsorship.

You are welcome to participate with “alegria” to this Culture Event.


Friday, April the 29th: at 8.30 pm theater, Estado de Coma by V. Armaza, a production by Pequeño Teatro de La Paz (actors: Veronica Armaza y Celia Asturizaga) and no professionals actors by the S. Rosa Community. Theater design by Mimmo Roselli.

Saturday, April the 30 th: at 6.30 pm opening of the International Contemporary Art Exhibition in dialogue with reality of Guaranì culture, curator Mimmo Roselli. The artists invited in the Residency and in the exhibition are Asher Mains (Grenada), Sylvia Capriles (Brasil), Yoko Inoue (Japon), Sook Jin Jo (Korea del Sur), Ivan Molina y Adolfo Torrico(Bolivia) and Mimmo Roselli (Italia).

At 8.30 pm Concert by the Festival Internacional de Musica Renacentista y Barroca Americana. Conjunto de Música Antigua Ars Continua: Anónimo (Chiquitos, s. XVIII). Dulce Jesús mío. Ichepeniquilpihiyubai elevación; Juan de Vega Bastán (La Plata – Sucre, s XVII). Tota Pulchra; Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco (1644 – 1728). Missa de Octavo Tono à 3 Voces; Anónimo (Sucre, s. XVIII). Ay, mi amado Pastor (Lamentación); Anónimo (BlasTardío?, 1694? – 1762). Ay, que me anego (Acto de contrición); Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco (1644 – 1728). Ah, del mar, Al reloj se os compara, A este Sol Peregrino a 4 con acompañamiento, Atencións.

Sunday, May the 1st: at 11 am Concert by the Festival Internacional de Musica Renacentista y Barroca Americana. Escuela de Música y Arte Guaraní Palmarito-Santa Rosa: Anónimo (Moxos, s. XVIII). Missa Palatina; Anónimo (Chiquitos, s. XVIII). Sinfonía; Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726): Ave Maris Stella Iesu, Corona Virginum.

At 8.30 pm Estado de Coma (theater).

Santa Rosa 2018

Santa Rosa 2018

Teko-Guaranì, Camiri and the Art and Music School of Bolivian Chaco proclaim the Santa Rosa 2018 Festival in the old Franciscan Mission in S. Rosa de Cuevo. The S. Rosa 2018 Event will be the second edition of the festival located in the old Mission.

During the April 2018 month, coordinated by the international artist Mimmo Roselli, will be: international artists in residency, working with pupils of the basic art school, “Los cuentos de los cuentos” by VC. Armaza y Celia Arestizagua, with professional actors and no professional by S. Rosa Community, a children vrsion of Hamlet by W. Shakespeare adacted by Guido Arze, the orchestra rehearsals by our Coro and Orchestra of the Art and Music School of Bolivian Chaco, Dance and video workshop. All the activity during the month of April and during the event will be documented by nacional and international filmaker. Fernando Maraghini, movies director, will be with us.


Local and National Authorities, secular and religious, will participate to the event, National TV, the journalist of the best national and international media. The Minister of Education and the Minister of the Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia will give us his sponsorship.
You are welcome to participate with “alegria” to this Culture Event. www.santarosadecuevo.org

Santa Rosa 2018

Santa Rosa 2018

Teko-Guaranì, Camiri and the Art and Music School of Bolivian Chaco proclaim the Santa Rosa 2018Festival in the old Franciscan Mission in S. Rosa de Cuevo. The S. Rosa 2018 Event will be the second edition of the festival located in the old Mission.

During the April 2018 month, coordinated by the international artist Mimmo Roselli, will be: international artists in residency, working with pupils of the basic art school, “Los cuentos de los cuentos” by VC. Armaza y Celia Arestizagua, with professional actors and no professional by S. Rosa Community, a children vrsion of Hamlet by W. Shakespeare adacted by Guido Arze, the orchestra rehearsals by our Coro and Orchestra of the Art and Music School of Bolivian Chaco, Dance and video workshop. All the activity during the month of April and during the event will be documented by nacional and international filmaker. Fernando Maraghini, movies director, will be with us.


Local and National Authorities, secular and religious, will participate to the event, National TV, the journalist of the best national and international media. The Minister of Education and the Minister of the Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia will give us his sponsorship.
You are welcome to participate with “alegria” to this Culture Event. www.santarosadecuevo.org

Crowdfunding (Portugues)

Todos amados, dispersos em todos os continentes, pedimos que nos ajude a continuar esse sonho. S. Rosa é uma extraordinária missão do século XIX no sudeste da Bolívia. Os franciscanos fundaram esta Missão para ajudar o povo original (Guarani) a desenvolver sua própria cultura e, por essa razão, estabeleceram uma Escola de Arte e Música.

Depois de 150 anos, Mimmo Roselli (Artes visuais, www.mimmoroselli.net) e P.Tarcisio Ciabatti (frades franciscanos) fundaram em 2007 uma escola básica de arte e música em 3 aldeias indígenas da região, incluindo S. Rosa. Eles buscaram fundos para restaurar a Missão e decidiram abrir a instalação em 2016 com um evento fantástico, o Festival Santa Rosa 2016, que é um pré-requisito para que o escritório de Santa Rosa se torne uma Escola Superior de Arte e Música e assim vai.Durante as 3 semanas da Residência e os 3 dias de festival, os artistas convidados conseguiram trabalhar com os meninos da Escola e com os moradores em uma oficina de arte, onde a filosofia que sempre será mantida é que “sim pode fazer arte com tudo “.

Para mais informações, visite: www.santarosadecuevo.org (o site não é até 2018)Para o próximo ano, Santa Rosa 2018, a filosofia não muda, mas na próxima ocasião, os músicos trabalharão junto com artistas visuais e prepararão um trabalho para ser apresentado na exposição de Arte Contemporânea; continuaremos com o teatro, concertos, dança, produção de filmes e mais.

A Residência Artística oferece trabalho com alunos e habitantes locais durante a tarde, enquanto a manhã está ocupada realizando as obras para o Festival A associação “Salud sin frontera” foi criada por um grupo de Universidades de Doenças Infecciosas em Florença, parte da qual é promover a saúde no Sudeste da Bolívia, na sua totalidade e, portanto, não apenas no corpo, mas também na mente, através do desenvolvimento cultural desses povos Solicitamos que você contribua com um mínimo de 25 Euros ou 30 Dólares; com isso, você apoiará a Escola com a realização do Festival e um filme, que você pode acessar através de um endereço FTTP dedicado com o qual baixar o trabalho em HD.

Para se inscrever na campanha de financiamento, você deve fazer uma transferência do valor exibido na conta “Saúde Sin Fronteras Association” no Banca Prossima, via Bufalini 4, 50122 Florença com a causa “Festival Santa Rosa 2018”

IBAN: IT49E0335901600100000007429


ou através de Pay Pal: santarosafestival@hotmail.com

Depois de efetuar a transferência, pedimos que você envie uma cópia do recibo de pagamento juntamente com os detalhes necessários para enviar o download do filme no seguinte endereço de e-mail: santarosafestival@hotmail.com

Mimmo Roselli

Crowdfunding (deutsch)

Geliebte, auf jedem Kontinent verstreut, bitten wir Sie, uns zu helfen, diesen Traum fortzusetzen.

 S. Rosa ist eine außergewöhnliche XIX Jahrhundert Mission im südöstlichen Bolivien. Die Franziskaner gründeten diese Mission, um den ursprünglichen Leuten (Guarani) zu helfen, ihre eigene Kultur zu entwickeln und aus diesem Grund haben sie eine Schule für Kunst und Musik gegründet.Nach 150 Jahren gründeten Mimmo Roselli (Bildende Kunst, www.mimmoroselli.net) und P.Tarcisio Ciabatti (Franziskanermönch) 2007 eine Grund- und Musikschule in 3 indigenen Dörfern des Gebietes, darunter S. Rosa. Sie suchten Mittel, um die Mission wiederherzustellen und beschlossen, die Anlage im Jahr 2016 mit einem fantastischen Ereignis zu öffnen, das Santa Rosa 2016 Festival, das das Santa Rosa Büro vorschlagen sollte, um eine High School of Art und Musik zu werden und so gehen.Während der 3-wöchigen Residenz und der 3-tägigen Festival konnten die eingeladenen Künstler mit den Jungs der Schule und mit den Dorfbewohnern in einem Workshop in der Kunst arbeiten, wo die Philosophie, die immer beibehalten wird, dass “Ja ist kann mit allem Kunst machen. ” Für weitere Informationen, besuchen Sie bitte: www.santarosadecuevo.org (die Website ist nicht bis 2018)

Für das kommende Jahr, Santa Rosa 2018, ändert sich die Philosophie nicht, aber bei dieser Gelegenheit werden die Musiker mit visuellen Künstlern zusammenarbeiten und einen Job vorbereiten, der in der Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Kunst präsentiert werden soll. wir werden mit dem Theater, den Konzerten, dem Tanzen, der Videofilmproduktion und mehr fortfahren. Der künstlerische Wohnsitz bietet am Nachmittag Arbeit mit Schülern und Einheimischen an, während der Morgen die Arbeiten für das Festival.

Die Vereinigung “Salud sin frontera” wurde von einer Gruppe von Infektionskrankheiten in Florenz gegründet, von denen ein Teil die Förderung der Gesundheit in Südost-Bolivien, in ihrer Gesamtheit und damit nicht nur im Körper, sondern auch in der Geist, durch die kulturelle Entwicklung dieser Völker

Wir bitten Sie, einen Beitrag von mindestens 25 Euro oder 30 Dollar zu leisten; Damit unterstützen Sie die Schule mit der Realisierung des Festivals und einem Film, den Sie über eine dedizierte FTTP-Adresse erreichen können, mit der Sie die Arbeit in HD herunterladen können.

Um die Finanzierungskampagne abonnieren zu können, müssen Sie bei der Banca Prossima, über Bufalini 4, 50122 Florenz mit der Ursache “Festival Santa Rosa 2018”, den Betrag auf dem Konto “Salud Sin Fronteras Association”

IBAN: IT49E0335901600100000007429


oder durch Pay Pal: santarosafestival@hotmail.com

Sobald Sie die Überweisung gemacht haben, bitten wir Sie, eine Kopie Ihres Zahlungsbelegs zusammen mit den Details zu senden, die notwendig sind, um Ihnen den Download des Films unter folgender E-Mail Adresse zu schicken: santarosafestival@hotmail.com

Mimmo Roselli

Crowfunding (italiano)

Carissimi tutti, sparsi in ogni continente, vi chiediamo di aiutarci a portare avanti questo sogno.

S. Rosa è una straordinaria Missione del XIX secolo nel sud-est di Bolivia. I Francescani fondarono questa Missione per aiutare I popoli originari (Guaranì) a sviluppare la propria cultura e per questo vi stabilirono una Scuola di Arte e Musica. Dopo 150 anni, Mimmo Roselli (arti visive, www.mimmoroselli.net) e P.Tarcisio Ciabatti (frate francescano) fondarono nel 2007 una scuola di base di arte e musica in 3 villaggi indigeni dell’area, compresa S. Rosa.

Cercarono fondi per restaurare la Missione e decisero di aprire la struttura nel 2016 con un fantastico evento, il Festival Santa Rosa 2016, propedeutico per far sì che la sede di Santa Rosa diventasse Scuola Superiore di Arte e Musica e così stanno andando I tramiti.Durante le 3 settimane di Residenza ed I 3 giorni di festival gli artisti invitati hanno potuto lavorare con I ragazzi della Scuola e con gli abitanti del Villaggio in un work-shop in arte, dove la filosofia, che verrà sempre mantenuta, è che “si può fare arte con tutto”. Per ulterior informazioni potete consultare il sito: www.santarosadecuevo.org  (il sito non è aggiornato all’edizione 2018).

Per il prossimo anno, Santa Rosa 2018, la filosofia non cambia, ma in questa prossima occasione i musicisti lavoreranno insieme con gli artisti visive e prepareranno un lavoro da presentare nella mostra di Arte Contemporanea; continueremo con il teatro, I concerti, aggiungendo danza, video-film produzione ed altro. La Residenza artistica prevede il lavoro con gli alunni e la gente del posto nel pomeriggio, mentre la mattina è occupata a realizzare i lavori per il FestivalLa Associazione “Salud sin frontera” è stata creata da un gruppo di Universitari di Firenze di Malattie Infettive, di cui faccio parte, per promuovere la salute, nel Sud-est di Bolivia, nella sua totalità e quindi non solo del corpo ma anche della mente, attraveso lo sviluppo culturale di quei popoli Vi chiediamo di contribuire con una quota minima di 25 Euro o 30 Dollari; con questa sosterrete la Scuola con la realizzazione del Festival e di un film, a cui potrete accedere attraverso un indirizzo FTTP dedicato con il quale effettuare il download dell’opera in HD.

Per aderire alla campagna di finanziamento è necessario effettuare un bonifico dell’importo indicato sul conto di “Associazione Salud Sin Fronteras”  presso la della Banca Prossima ,via Bufalini 4, 50122 Firenze con la causale “Festival Santa Rosa 2018”.

IBAN: IT49E0335901600100000007429


O tramite Pay Pal: santarosafestival@hotmail.com

Una volta effettuato il bonifico vi chiediamo gentilmente di inviare una copia della ricevuta di avvenuto versamento insieme ai dati necessary per inviarvi l’accesso al download del film al Seguente indirizzo email: santarosafestival@hotmail.com

Mimmo Roselli

Crowdfunding (Français)

Chers tous, dispersés sur tous les continents, nous vous demandons de nous aider à poursuivre ce rêve.

Santa Rosa est une mission extraordinaire du XIXe siècle dans le sud-est de la Bolivie. Les franciscains ont fondé cette mission afin d’aider les peuples autochtones (Guaranis) à développer leur propre culture et, pour cette raison, ils ont créé une école d’art et de musique.

Après 150 ans et en 2007, Mimmo Roselli (arts visuelles, www.mimmoroselli.net) et P.Tarcisio Ciabatti (frère franciscain) ont fondé une école basique d’art et de musique dans trois villages indigènes de la région, dont Santa Rosa. Ils ont cherché des fonds pour rétablir la Mission et ont décidé d’inaugurer les installations en 2016 avec un événement fantastique, le Festival Santa Rosa 2016. Celui-ci avait pour but de convaincre le bureau de Santa Rosa de promouvoir la création d’une école secondaire d’art et de musique.

Pendant leur résidence de trois semaines ainsi qu’au cours des trois jours de festival, les artistes invités ont pu travailler avec les garçons de l’école et avec les villageois dans un atelier d’art où la philosophie a toujours été celle d’après laquelle “on peut faire de l’art avec n’importe quoi”. Pour de plus amples informations, visitez: www.santarosadecuevo.org (le site n’est pas jusqu’en 2018).

Pour l’année à venir, Santa Rosa 2018, la philosophie reste toujours la même, mais dans cette occasion, les musiciens pourront travailler avec des artistes visuels et prépareront un travail à présenter dans l’exposition d’art contemporain. De notre part, nous continuerons avec le théâtre, les concerts, la danse, la production de films vidéo et plus encore. L’association “Salud sin Fronteras” a été créée par un groupe universitaire rattaché à la Clinique des Maladies Infectieuses à Florence, dont je fais partie, ayant pour but de promouvoir la santé dans le sud-est de la Bolivie, dans son intégralité et donc visant non seulement à guérir les corps, mais à le faire aussi à travers le développement culturel de ces peuples.

Nous vous demandons de contribuer avec un minimum de 25 euros ou 30 Dollars; Avec cela, vous soutiendrez l’École dans la réalisation du Festival ainsi qu’un film lequel vous pourrez télécharger en HD à travers une adresse FTTP dédiée.

Pour vous abonner à la campagne de financement, vous êtes priés d’effectuer, depuis votre succursale bancaire, un virement pour le montant indiqué sur le compte “Health Sin Fronteras Association”,  Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Bufalini 4, 50122 Florence, avec la description “Festival Santa Rosa 2018”

IBAN: IT49E0335901600100000007429


ou par Pay Pal: santarosafestival@hotmail.com

Une fois que effectué le transfert, nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous adresser par courriel à santarosafestival@hotmail.com une copie de votre reçu de paiement. En échange nous vous ferons parvenir le lien pour le téléchargement du film.

Mimmo Roselli