Santa Rosa de Cuevo 2023. International Arts Festival.

Santa Rosa de Cuevo is located in the Department of Chuquisaca, on the border with the Department of Santa Cruz, in the southeast of Bolivia. It was an old Franciscan mission from the late 19th century. The community currently has around 600 people of Guaraní origin and culture.

The Teko-Guaraní, cultural and educational organization of the Guaraní people (Camiri) and the School of Art and Music of the Bolivian Chaco, founded in 2007, promote and collaborate to hold the artistic event, Santa Rosa 2023, in the old mission of Santa Rosa, which will take place in March of this year.

We are following the path of collaboration between the arts and we are currently working with the challenge of communicating what is happening in the environment in a way that is partly simple and partly conceptual. The simple and the true conceptual touch each other. Furthermore, we continue with a line valid from the first edition of the festival, which is to make art with what we can find in the environment. This paragraph is the one I used to present the preparation of the S. Rosa Festival 2021 and the reasons for its postponement are visible to everyone.

The 2023 Santa Rosa International Festival, under the artistic direction of Mimmo Roselli, will begin on March 12 with the arrival of national and international artists to Santa Rosa, ending on the three days of the Festival itself: 24, 25, and March 26th. The artists will arrive in Santa Rosa on Sunday, March 12, to begin their work with the students of the School and with the people of the Community on Monday, March 13. All activities and the event will be documented.

The March Event will feature: Contemporary Music Concerts, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Theatre, Dance, Poetry, Literature, Video and Film, all with a look at history but that can be expressed in the contemporary.

Local and national, secular and religious authorities will be present at the Event. National TV and journalists from important national and international media will also accompany us.

Everyone is invited to joyfully participate in this season of culture.



6:00 in the afternoon, opening of the Festival with the International Contemporary Art Exhibition. The artists, Adolfo Torrico and Marcelo Arroyo, muralists (Bolivia), participate in this exhibition, who will continue the mural work in the town of Santa Rosa and in the convent; ozZO Ukumari (Oscar Sosa, Bolivia) with its wooden work and a musical installation; Robert Aitchison (USA), with the school students and the muralists, will develop the scenes of the plays, as well as personal works. Eva Maria Coimbra (Bolivia), video artist, will work with a group of young people on a video made by cell phones; Mimmo Roselli (Italy), in addition to the artistic coordination of the Festival, will present a personal work; Mariana Carvalho (Brazil), musician, will also work with an installation made with musical strings, in addition to those made by the textile group and the artists of past editions, at the Festival Museum.

7:30 in the afternoon, after the opening of the contemporary art exhibition, the Little Theater of La Paz (Guido Arce and Verónica Armaza), will present, with professional actors and actors from the Town of Santa Rosa, a play : Bartolina – Sisa, (text by Veronica Armaza, Bartolina Sisa Vargas, Bolivian revolutionary of Aymara ethnicity). The music, originally Guaraní, performed during the theater piece will be traditional-contemporary, that is, traditional fragments with contemporary musical arrangements. The music performers will be the Apirai Guazu Group, the musicians from the Chaco Music School, the violin of Marco Facchini (Italy) and the viola of Lida Alicia Romero (Cuba/Italy).

8:30 in the afternoon, Miguel Orlando Marín Savatier, choreographer from Sucre and the representative of the Itanambicua group, Apirai Guasu, Juan Andrés Rúa will present a traditional Guaraní dance show and their own creation in a contemporary way. With their Dance Corps Libres company they will present, surrounded by the dance group Apirai Guasu and local dance, Santa Rosa, a dance choreographed by Viviana Fiorito and Miguel Marín, dancers Stephanny Thaine and Susy Ardus.


5:30 in the afternoon, ATLAS GUARANI New gestures of the 21st century, Virgilio Sieni, choreographer, dancer (Italy) and Delfina Stella, dancer and educator (Italy). The idea is to create an atlas of gestures through choreographic actions shared with the community: young people, older adults, students of the Community, ending at the Festival headquarters.

7:00 at night, the poets Valeria Sandy and Gabriel Chaves Casazola will open their poetry voices to the public, commenting on how to approach poetry

7:30 at night, concert by the Choir and Orchestra of the School of Music of Chaco, Palmarito and Santa Rosa, directed by Heriberto Paredes Guiramusay with Marco Facchini, Italy, Lida Alicia Romero, Cuba/Italy, on viola. A repertoire of Contemporary Music will be played by the Argentine composer Jeff Manookian, Caminos Argentinos

8.30 at night, Franco La Cecla, cultural anthropologist (Italy) and Anna Castelli, art historian (Italy) will present a Documentary made during the Festival entitled Exchange of gestures.


11:30 in the morning, the Palmarito Choir and the Santa Rosa Orchestra will perform the Brevis Mass by Daniel Leo Simpson, celebrants: Father Noé, Mons. Jesús and Father Tarcisio.

From 9 to 12 in the morning, the work of the Textile School will be presented by the Director Maria Neida Oreyari and the weaving teacher born in Santa Rosa, Lorena Potica, in the streets of the community and at the Festival headquarters.

6:30 in the afternoon, the Apirai Guazu Group in collaboration with the Small Theater of La Paz will present an original Guarani play

7:00 at night, in this edition of the Festival it is useful to repeat, due to its gestural meaning, the film by Elio Ortiz, Yvi Marae

A Music teacher, a Carving teacher and a Weaving teacher from Alternative Education will be involved in the master’s action and the Festival.

Coordinates the Apirai Guasu group of Itanambicua, Cornelio Robles.

Readings of literary texts will be held throughout the Festival period, texts chosen by Rocio Dosserich, Paola Innocenti and Beto Paredes and read by young students from Santa Rosa and neighboring communities.

* The Festival, in addition to its main headquarters in Santa Rosa, will have extensions in the towns of: Cuevo and Ivo.

Artistic Direction, Mimmo Roselli

And the cities of: Camiri, Villamontes, Santa Cruz, Sucre and Tarija. A calendar will be communicated.